Location in Jackson

  • Jackson
    Coming Soon
    78 Lynoak Cove , Jackson, TN 38305
    (865) 378-6929

Jackson Tennessee Substance Use Counseling & Addiction Treatment | Groups Recover Together

If you want to regain control of your life, you’ve come to the right place.

Groups Recover Together in Jackson is a community of physicians, counselors and recovering opioid users you can rely on for affordable and convenient help.

At Groups Jackson, Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is prescribed weekly to curb cravings and sickness, setting people up for the best chance at recovery. Free from withdrawal, our members can work, take care of family, and be part of the community.

Unlike programs where you meet alone with a physician, we bring everyone together. Our members attend group therapy where they find a safe space to be honest with other people going through the same thing. People at different stages of recovery learn from each other and hold each other accountable.

Groups Jackson does not have a wait list, and our outpatient model is designed to fit into your schedule so you can keep working and living a normal life.

Potential members and anyone seeking information are encouraged to walk into our Jackson office during business hours to meet our team and learn more.

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